C2A Series

Pre-attached cables for faster, easier gage installations
Linear, Shear and Tee- and rectangular rosette patterns with polyimide encapsulation
Low cost alternative for test temperature to +180ºF (+80ºC)
L2A Series

Pre-attached ribbon leads for faster, easier gage installations
Linear, Shear and Tee- and rectangular rosette patterns with polyimide encapsulation
Low cost alternative for test temperature to +250ºF (+120ºC)
Stress Analysis Strain Gages
Micro-Measurements maintains the most extensive variety of catalog strain gages available today. Whether for stress analysis, transducer manufacturing, or special-purpose applications, we have not only a wide selection, but also a large and varied inventory that is readily available for immediate delivery.
Linear Patterns Strain Gages
Gage patterns designed for measuring strain in a single direction
Single-grid and parallel dual-grid patterns
Gage lengths from 0.008 (0.20 mm) to 4.000 (101.6 mm)
Tee Rosettes Strain Gages
Gage patterns designed for measuring orthogonal strains
All patterns have two grids oriented at 0° and 90° angles
Both stacked and planar constructions available
Gage lengths from 0.050 (1.27 mm) to 0.250 (6.35 mm)
Rectangular Rosettes Strain Gages
Gage patterns designed for determining principle stresses and strains
All patterns have three grids oriented at 0°, 45° and 90° angles
Both stacked and planar constructions available
Gage lengths from 0.031 (0.79 mm) to 0.250 (6.35 mm)
Delta Rosettes Strain Gages
Gage patterns designed for determining principle stresses and strains
All patterns have three grids oriented at 0°, 60° and 120° angles
Both stacked and planar constructions available
Gage lengths from 0.30 (0.76 mm) to 0.125 (3.18 mm)
Shear/Torque Rosettes Strain Gages
Gage patterns designed for measuring shear strain and torque
Individual and multiple grid patterns
Gage lengths from 0.062 (1.57 mm) to 0.250 (6.35 mm)
SR-4® Strain Gages
SR-4® (Constantan Foil, Polyimide Carrier) Strain Gages
Residual Stress Strain Gages
The most widely used practical technique for determining residual stresses is the hole-drilling strain gage method described in ASTM Standard E837. With this method, a specially configured strain gage rosette is bonded to the surface of the test object; and a small, shallow hole is introduced into the structure, through the center of the gage, with a precision drilling apparatus. Strains in the immediate vicinity of the hole are measured, and the relaxed residual stresses are computed from these measurements.
Magnetic Field Strain Gages
Intense, time-varying electromagnetic fields with steep gradients in field strength can cause troublesome noise in strain gage circuits. In severe magnetic environments, with low signal levels, the noise amplitude may be several times larger than the strain signal from the gage.
Micro-Measurements H-Series noninductive strain gages have been specially designed to minimize noise pickup in the gage grid due to electromagnetic fields.
Weldable Strain Gages
Micro-Measurements Standard Weldable Strain Gages and Temperature Sensors are specially designed for spot welding to structures and components. They are ideal for applications where test or environmental conditions preclude clamping and curing an adhesively bonded gage installation. These gages are equally advantageous
when strain measurements must be made at an elevated temperature, but the nature of the test object does not permit the use of an elevated temperature-curing adhesive.
High-Temperature Strain Gages
Measurement range to 2100°F (1150°C)
Free-filament Kanthal alloy grids for bonding with ceramic adhesives
Linear and Tee-rosette patterns
Video - Strain Gages in High Temperature Environments
Shear Modulus Testing Strain Gages
Shear Modulus Sensors are specifically designed to accommodate the unique specimen geometries and strain-field distributions encountered when testing
composite materials for shear properties. Two popular specimens for in-plane shear modulus testing of composites are the Iosipescu and compact designs. The test section for both types is described as the
area between two opposing notches.
Weldable Strain Gages
Micro-Measurements Standard Weldable Strain Gages and Temperature Sensors are specially designed for spot welding to structures and components. They are ideal for applications where test or environmental conditions preclude clamping and curing an adhesively bonded gage installation. These gages are equally advantageous
when strain measurements must be made at an elevated temperature, but the nature of the test object does not permit the use of an elevated temperature-curing adhesive.